Have you ever broken something special?
Me too! That’s actually been a challenging aspect of living Tiny. Everything we have kept has been kept because it adds value. Its the favourite of each category.
This week I broke my Pyrex mixing bowl. I’ve had it for a long time and it was my favourite! I loved the way it feels. The way it looks. And how many ways I was able to use it.
It go bumped out of the cupboard and it smashed.
In that moment I was frustrated that all my favourite things break because my home is literally full of all my favourite things. Everything here has earned its place. So when something breaks it can be upsetting.
But as I get further on my journey with minimalism and I grow more personally I’m able to realise that it doesn’t matter. As I pull back from consumerism most of my stuff doesn’t have the same emotional weight. I appreciate my things – but I’m learning to place my energy elsewhere.
So there is the moment that I feel upset.
And then follows another line of thinking.
Its ok to feel upset. Its ok to have emotion and to feel frustrated.
But then it is time to let it go.
Its just STUFF!
The reality is most of our stuff can be replaced.
You know what can’t be replaced?
Your Time
Your Health
Your Family
Your Energy
These are the some of things that matter!
So next time something breaks I want you to take a deep breath. Acknowledge the feeling. Then chuckle to yourself that its one less thing to sort and find something else in life that REALLY matters to be grateful for.