Are you feeling a little like the week has got a bit of a jump start on you and the clutter in your area makes you feel overwhelmed?
Don’t worry! We ALL know that feeling!!

I find a really good step is to do a really quick tidy and remove anything obviously unwanted/unloved.
It’s amazing the difference a clearer space makes to you mentally, emotionally and actually physically too.Set a timer for 15 minutes.
Yep – just 15 minutes.
Now pick up
- any rubbish into a bag
- recycling into a pile/box (including any sales catalogues that have collected in dark corners)
- clothes into the laundry or clean clothes pile
- stack any dirty dishes
- anything into the Op shop box that can add someone else value, now that you are done. This might be clothes that don’t fit, toys the kids have grown beyond, decor that clutters your space, duplicates of an item or things you have been given that won’t serve a purpose for you.
You will be AMAZED how 10-15 minutes can make a huge transformation! You have removed the easy clutter and done something to make yourself feel productive!

I find this is especially important in the Tiny House as small spaces can get overwhelmed quickly. Also, DESPITE being very intentional with what comes into the house it seems with a young family coming and going it’s especially important to do a speed clean of surface clutter often. Our house physically cannot get as wild as a full-size house as we have less stuff and less space – but it’s far more obvious when things are out of place.
I did this today and added to my Op shop pile a few shirts I was given that don’t work for me, some baby toys, a plastic container and a kitchen utensil I’ve not used in 6 months.

All things that don’t bring me joy and don’t fill a need for me – but could still benefit someone else.
Do you make use of small bursts of productivity where you feel the motivation of beating a timer? Its a great strategy for a broad number of applications